(In no particular order, just so ya know)
1. Personal Progress - Oh, how can I even put this into words. Personal Progress has taught me so much and has been so much fun over the last few years. This blog itself is my Integrity Value Project. I'll have to post a list of ideas on another post. Personal Progress is an amazing way to prepare to be married in the temple for time and all eternity.
2. Really Pretty Songs - Nothing against good ol' primary songs, but the youth songs we sing in YW are so beautiful and the lyrics are perfect! One of my favorites is "Keepers of His Light", by Jenny Phillips.
3. Earning a Super Cool YW Medallion - I don't have mine yet, but I am so close and I encourage everyone to try and earn this. It is such a cool thing to be able to achieve and the necklace ain't that ugly either. ;)

Follow Sis. Oscarson on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/mormor20/
And while we are at it, if you want to follow me on Pinterest, I would love you:)
5. Temple Trips - again, more to come in another post. Some things you love cannot be summed up in one little paragraph.
6. Earning colorful bookmarks for my scriptures so that I can mark more than 2 of my favorites!
7. Constantly being reminded that I am a daughter of a King. I am truly a princess in His kingdom, and can return to live with Him again. <3
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