1. We all make mistakes.
Yes, it is frustrating when a child doesn't immediately do what you ask, but don't we do the same thing? Our Heavenly Father gives us commandments but we are not perfect. In fact, sometimes it takes us a long time before we do what we know is right. I think Jeffrey R. Holland summed it up perfectly.

2. Being a mother is a ton of work, but so worth it.
I will never truly know until I become a mother myself, but from my experience babysitting multiple families over the years, I have started to pick up on what a parent goes through for their child. Each time I care for children, I gain a deeper gratitude for my mom and the endless hours she has spent raising me, making my dinner, doing my laundry, driving my everywhere, buying me clothes, signing papers,etc. The list could go on forever. Even though being a mother is such a huge responsibility, I know it will be such a blessing to me. I saw this quote on Pinterest the other day and wanted to share it because it works so perfectly.

3. Our Heavenly LOVES us, despite those mistakes that we make.
As I put a blanket on top of each child and watched them slowly drift to sleep, I thought about how much my Heavenly Father truly loves me. No, they weren't my kids and I have no comprehension of the love a parent must feel for their own child. I do know, that no matter what I do, He will always be there for me. And because Christ loves me with a perfect love, I can repent and return back to live with them again.
So, to all the mothers out there.. Please don't ever feel that you are not enough because in the eyes of your child you are SuperMom.
And to everyone out there.. Know that you are loved with a pure and perfect love. Nothing you could do can ever take that away.
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